Posted by: drcow | March 6, 2010

Weekly Desk.

Another weekly desk.

Not pretty much changed although I did had some plans to change it today! But it got interrupted because I had a phone call of my local game store saying they got FFXIII and I can go fetch it!

So I kinda pushed my schedule one day forward so I can play this game today!


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa noes! FF XIII is out alry ><
    Damn… mine PS3 is in service -_-
    Insane… had it since 23.12.09 ~ 7.01.10
    Then I claimed it for loud fan… 1st repair took longer then month but I accepted it ~ fail… cuz it was near same so had to claim it again ~_~ Two weeks now… I wanna play FF as well ^^

    Ah enough of whining! ^^ Hope you enjoy your game ^^ How are your first impressions?

    • The game so far is oke. Pretty much what the people say on several forums saying it’s liniear and shitload of movies between. Also some huge emo characters in it… Although I’m not very far but fighting system is a big nice change. It is just you don’t get much freedom now compared to the old FF….

      But only played 5-6 hours so still more to go

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